Engineering, Integrating and Certifying the Digitalization of Health : Towards a standard approach
How do we digitalize technology and processes in healthcare? How to sustainably engineer the digitalization of health? How to speed up the process of digitalization, how to make them resilient and how do we validate (and probably automatically certificate) such digitalizing systems? How do we (software) engineer these digitalized systems so that we can react quickly on the ever changing needs? And how do we digitalize not only the collection of (open) data for diagnosis, but also the intervention – and what is the impact?
Digitalizing Health is the key to a higher living quality in the future. With the introduction of digitalization in the health sector precision of health informatin increases – due to more an better data -, the speed of diagnoses and intervention rises, and costs are going down. The question after many years of not-so-successfull trials in Germany: how to make it real? KITs well known competence in research fields CS and economy as well as specific fields of health science will allow us to research and invent basic methods, processes and technology that are needed to make digitalization practical. Together with our partners in the health sector we address to tear down the walls of data collection and use in the health domain, by research new principles of economic data gathering, handling, sharing and computing despite the high demands of GDPR. This first Karlsruhe dataspace will bootstrap our research by providing more and faster information to research on methods, processes and technology, thus accelerating the next phase of research for all of KHeaT – giving us then even better ways to implement health digitalization – and so on.
Research on digitization of work practices in healthcare, investigation of organizational and regulatory challenges of the digital transformation in healthcare and exploration of digital business models and value creation in healthcare (Sunyaev)
Speeding up Processing & Validation of Health Data (Beigl)
Open health data and science (Woll)
Resilience of digitalizing healthcare systems (Schultmann, Kaiser)
Mobile Interventions and Digital Phenotyping (Ebner-Priemer)
Impact of the digital transformation and Sustainability and Effectivity of Digital interventions (Jekauc)
Sustainable Research Software Engineering (Loewe)