Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing Axel Loewe
- Spokesperson Thematic Field 1
- Phone: 42790
- axel loewe ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- www.ibt.kit.edu/loewe.php
Computational Models of the Heart
The Computational Cardiac Modeling group aims at formulating the heart's function mathematically and realistically representing it with computational models. Our research is focused on the electrophysiology and mechanics of the heart, which we represent with multiscale models. These models include several biological levels of integration from ion channels via cells to tissues and organs and the relevant phenomena span a multitude of temporal and spatial scales (microseconds to minutes; micrometers to centimeters).
We are committed to method development and the application of computational models to answer questions of clinical relevance. We investigate fundamental physiological and pathological mechanisms with computational models complementary to classical approaches like cell or animal experiments. In parallel, we use personalized models representing an individual patient to support clinical decision making with these digital twins.
Our research happens at the crossroads of engineering, computer science, natural sciences, and medicine. To develop methods and conduct simulation studies, we employ methods of software engineering, algorithmics, numerics, signal processing, data analysis, statistics and machine learning.