In a Focus field, a larger number of scientists from different disciplines are working together on various aspects of the Focus and are creating a dynamic activity at KIT, strengthening the collaborations, synergies and new innovation in Health Technologies. Focus Fields, other than the Research Topics, have a shorter lifetime and turnover to encourage interdisciplinary research collaborations on highly relevant and high risk projects.
If you would like to actively join one of the Focus Fields, please contact the respective spokesperson.

At KIT, teams of experts from different disciplines jointly develop innovative technologies for the particle accelerators of tomorrow, ranging from radiation diagnostic systems for highest data rates to special magnets made of high-temperature superconductors.
KITs ARMA series is one of the most famous robotic systems in the world. We research and develop novel robotic and wearable concepts to support humans to stay young, to bring you back to a health state or to support if needed.
At KIT, we focus on a highly interdisciplinary activities in the field of diagnostics and therapy ("theranostics”), We developing new concepts, systems, and technologies that can provide the base for an affordable and robust application in clinics, point-of-care units, and homes.
LinkAt KIT, we are worldwide known for our excellence in IT and computing resources. Our new, data and AI driven concepts for digitalizing, storing, processing and reasoning on data are the basic enablers for any health innovation of the future.