
personalized medicine

Personalized Medicine

At KIT we are focusing on several aspects of personalized medicine especially on the technology development. This includes research and innovation on personalized organs on chip, miniaturized screening platforms for personalized oncology, research on epigenetic profiling. In addition, we focus on market and competition designs in personalized medicine concerning vaccinations, testing and tracing app use during the Covid-19 pandemic, the optimal revelation of life-changing information acquired through medical and genetic testing, and AI’s influence on health behavior contribute to the development of health technologies.

At KIT we have an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, physicians, sport scientists that conduct nationwide studies on the development of motor performance, physical activity and health of children and adolescents, taking into account various factors such as social changes, inequality, digitization, or migration. And that develop and evaluate mobile applications to carry out individualized exercise or lifestyle interventions in nursing home residents.

From Organisms to 3R Technologies
From Organisms to 3R Technologies

At KIT we are looking for ethical, accessible model systems  by combining the power of iPSCs from individual patients  and 3D-tissue engineering in understanding normal development and disease states, reconstruct test ex vivo systems for personalized medicine and reconstruct building blocks for organs and tissues.  At KIT we have the opportunity to finally test all  tissues and other additive manufactured devices in humanized mice, rats or fish in accordance with the 3R principles – Reduce –Replace-Refine- and to fuel the whole pipeline from Bench to Bedside through innovation transfer.

Personalized Organs on a Chip
Personalized Organs on a Chip

The 3D-reconstruction of tissues either for all kinds of preclinical testings or for human organ/ tissue replacements is becoming one of the disruptive technologies that besides the digitalization will have an enormous impact on health Technologies of the future. Tissue reconstruction requires a highly interdisciplinary team of scientists from biology, chemistry, engineering to data science and market analysts and platform technologies such as tissue culture automation and imaging facilities. At KIT the tissue model unit will serve as an enabler by providing expertise in all kinds of 3D tissue generation.

AIMED: AI-Based Drug Design and Synthesis

With the creation of many iPSC centers in Europe and worldwide the availability of the genetically and epigenetically diverse patient derived cells as well as cells from different life spans such as cells from babies to elderly patients is increasing. At KIT we are currently developing an open-source artificial intelligence based electronic platform  called AIMED (Platform for Artificial Intelligence-Supported Drug Development for Personalized Medication) which can be used for the qualification of any organ-on-a-chip system or animal replacement system. Iterative implementation of the clinical data of drugs that are already on the market and the data derived from several rounds of the organ-on-a-chip development using these drugs as qualification markers should lead to test systems with high performance and quality.

Personalized Drug Sensitivity Tests
Personalized Drug Sensitivity Tests

Functional precision medicine through experimentally testing the response of patient-derived cancer cells to anti-cancer therapy in vitro, so-called Drug Sensitivity and Resistance Test (DSRT), has the potential to help identify an individualized patient care through personalized medicine. The DSRT-on-CHIP: will be developed at KIT and is a test on a minute amount of cell material derived from different tumor types (CLL, lung, hean and neck) using a Droplet Microarray (DMA) chip. The possibility of having such a test established in clinics will have a great impact on the success rate of anti-cancer therapy and make a difference for each individual patient.


Organoids and Tumoroids in Personalized Oncology (Orian-Rousseau/ IBCS-FMS)

Organs on a Chip for Personalized Medicine (Schepers/ IFG, Feldmann/ AOC)

Drug Sensitivity and Resistance Test (DSRT) (Popova, Levkin/ IBCS-FMS, Reischl/ IAI)

AIMED: Artificial Intelligence platform for personalized medication

(Bräse, Jung/ IBCS-FMS, Schepers/ IFG, EBI GmBH)

Drug Screening ChemASAP (Bräse, Jung/ IBCS-FMS)

Individually designed guide of joint-preserving and muscle-building methods of training and to help the diseased persons to realize a higher quality of life (Sell, Stein / IfSS)

Ambulatory Assessment: Technological mHealth framework, real-time compliance monitoring, and data analyses for multiple studies  (Ebner-Priemer/  IfSS)

Epigenetics (Erhardt/ Zoo)

Multidiagnosis: Screening platform for antimalarials and antimicrobials autoimmune factors.(Breitling, Mager, Weber/ IMT)

Drug targeting and imaging with nanocrystals (Hudry, Richards/ IMT)

On Chip analysis of biofilm microclusters (Schwartz/ IFG, Levkin/ IBCS-FMS)

Data Driven Therapeutic Drug Management (TDM) (Ates/ ITS)

Preferences on medical/genetic testing  (Szech/ ECON)

Cancer cell migration (Dominguez, Rabe, Niemeyer/ IBG-1)

Nuclear Medicine (Vitova/INE, Geckeis/ INE, Roesky/ AOC, Heske/ ANKA, Kempf, LeTacon/ IQMT

people rf5
Name Titel E-Mail
Prof. Dr. alexander woll does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. tonya vitova does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. rainer stiefelhagen does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. thorsten stein does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. stefan sell does-not-exist.kit edu
Hon.-Prof. Dr. thomas schwartz does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. ute schepers does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. roesky does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. bryce richards does-not-exist.kit edu
Apl.-Prof. Dr. markus reischl does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. veronique orian-rousseau does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. britta nestler does-not-exist.kit edu
Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing axel loewe does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. pavel levkin does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. matthieu letacon does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. sebastian kempf does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. damien hudry does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. clemens heske does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. armin grunwald does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. horst geckeis does-not-exist.kit edu
apl.-Prof. Dr. matthias franzreb does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. claus feldmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. sylvia erhardt does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. carmen dominguez does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. frank breitling does-not-exist.kit edu
Prof. Dr. stefan braese does-not-exist.kit edu
Dr. cihan ates does-not-exist.kit edu