Welcome to KITHealthTech

The KIT Center „Health Technologies“ promotes the digital transformation of medical technologies, humanoid robotics, personalized medicine and health care to provide next generation innovation for the global health challenges of today and tomorrow.

If you want to become a member of KITHealthTech, please fill the application form.

Manne LuchaM.Breig
August 2024: New Opportunities in Health Research through Digital Change

To find out about current research in the field of health technologies, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Integration Manne Lucha and Karlsruhe's Lord Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup visited the KIT Center Health Technologies (HealthTech) on August 14, 2024. This is driving forward the digital transformation of medical technologies, personalized medicine and patient care.

TumorMyrto Ischyropoulou / Max-Planck-Institut für Multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaf
July 2024: Nanoparticles as a breakthrough in cancer research?

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Natural Sciences and the University Medical Center Göttingen have developed a groundbreaking method to treat pancreatic cancer more effectively and with fewer side effects in the future. The new treatment approach uses tiny nanoparticles that deliver drugs directly and specifically to cancer cells. This could be a breakthrough for cancer research

Neuland Innovationspreis 2021S. Göttisheim
June 2024: Eyesight from a 3D Printer

Printing a new cornea during an operation to restore a patient’s eyesight: This groundbreaking step in the fight against corneal disorders is set to become reality with a laser based process using personalized bioink. The method was developed by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in collaboration with Carl Zeiss Meditec AG and Evonik Healthcare. Their project won the idea award in this year’s NEULAND innovation contest.

April 2024: Helmholtz President Prof. Otmar Wiestler awards doctoral prize to Tobias Röddiger (TECO)

Traditionally, headphones are used to provide private audio channels. In his dissertation completed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Tobias Röddigers looks at what headphones of the future could look like. His research has shown that earables - intelligent sensor devices worn on the ear - can be used for breathing and eye monitoring, cough detection, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and invisible human-computer interaction. "Through my research, headphones are becoming multifunctional everyday helpers for health monitoring and enhancing human capabilities."

HealthTech at Noon: (June 27, InformatiKOM)

We are very happy to welcome PD Dr. Katharina Feld and Prof. Tobias Düser who will present about „Abusive Head Trauma Dummy: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Advance Pediatric Models for Aiding Diagnosis and Prevention“. We hope to see many of you in the InformatiKOM foyer (noon to 1pm) to also join the discussion and networking after the presentation. Those who cannot make it in person, can also join online.
Please spread the word and invite interested colleagues to become member of KIT HealthTech to receive future invitations directly.

BiocampusUniversity of Basel
HealthTech at Noon: Biocampus

Biocampus - Transforming Upper-Rhine Valley to a world-leading innovation & integrated ecosystem for life-sciences (May 23, InformatiKOM). We are very happy to welcome Angélie Pham, Basel University, who will present online about “Biocampus” - an initiative aiming at strengthening the trinational collaboration to accelerate innovation in Life sciences in the Upper Rhine Valley (Switzerland, France and Germany). We hope to see many of you in the InformatiKOM foyer (noon to 1 pm) to also join the discussion and networking after the presentation. Those who cannot make it in person, can also join online.
Please spread the word and invite interested colleagues to become a member of KIT HealthTech to receive future invitations directly.

PosterpreisV. Orian-Rousseau@KIT
April 2024: Inhibition of CD44 signaling impact colorectal cancer cell plasticity in tumor organoids

Congratulations to Dr Steffen Sonnentag (Group Orian-Rousseau), who won a Poster Price at the BioChem Conference 2024 Strasbourg, France 


Blood vesselsF. LeNoble@KIT
KIT Researchers Discover Novel Cell Type that Controls the Formation and Growth of New Blood Vessels

Molecular Code Stimulates Pioneer Cells to Build Blood Vessels in the Body. Cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and myocardial infarction, are the world's leading causes of mortality, accounting for over 18 million deaths a year. Ferdinand le Noble and his team has now identified a new cell type in blood vessels responsible for vascular growth. This discovery may allow for novel therapeutic strategies to treat ischemic cardiovascular diseases, i.e. diseases that are caused by reduced or absent blood flow. Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47434-x ). Professor Ferdinand le Noble says: “To explore the therapeutic avenues, we are collaborating with chemists, tissue engineers, and artificial intelligence (AI) specialists at the 3ROCKIT platform of the Health Technologies Center established recently at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KITHealthTech).  We congratulate the team for this highly interesting scientific publication in Nature Communications.

Helmholtz Delegation SingaporeHelmholtzgeschäftsstelle, Berlin
April 2024 A Helmholtz Delegation visits Singapore and South Korea for collaboration on AI, Health and Energy

A delegation from the Helmholtz Association led by President Otmar D. Wiestler was visiting Southeast Asia. The aim of the trip was to initiate collaborations and gain detailed insights into the region's research landscape.

VHTEuropean Union
April, 2024: KIT joins the European “Virtual Human Twins” Initiative and signed the manifesto.

It will be a main step for the strategic direction of the KIT Center “Health Technologies” in the context of the Helmholtz Research Field information. The European Virtual Human Twins (VHT) Initiative is a flagship initiative of the European Commission to accelerate the development of integrated, validated digital representations of the human body. The Virtual Human twin across all scales hold substantial potential for medical research and health technologies, contributing to a deeper understanding of human physiology, pathology in health and disease, as well as facilitating personalized, and stratified medicine. This Initiative includes the envisaged European “Virtual Human Twin” platform, fostering collaboration and resource sharing to propel the development of science and technology required for building highly advanced “Virtual Human Twins “ for future medical applications and health.

Curious 2024Curious 2024
Curious 2024 Future Insight Conference

Join the Curious 2024 Future Insight Conference to explore the most promising breakthrough across impactful areas of science: More

Submit abstract
Besuch OlschowskiA. Bramsiepe@KIT
Science Minister learns about innovations and spin-offs at the ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT, KIT Center HealthTech and TRIANGEL Transfer | Culture | Space

During her start-up tour through Karlsruhe and Stuttgart, Petra Olschowski, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. She learned about funding and support opportunities for research-based spin-offs.
The KIT Center for Health Technologies (KITHealthTech), where more than 150 KIT researchers are working on medical technologies and personalized medicine, also introduced itself and its digital platform "KARE" . ("Karlsruhe Region of Health Technologies"). The focus is on the care of patients and their integration into the work of the center in order to establish a national data space for health technol.ogies

Uni FreiburgF. Wenz,Uniklinik Freiburg
March 25, 2024: A delegation of the University Clinic of Freiburg was visiting KIT to discuss future collaborations

Simone MayerS. Mayer
Simone Mayer is joining the KIT as a W3-Professor for Systemic Cellular Neurobiology

We warmly welcome Simone Mayer as the newest member of the KIT Center HealthTech. Joining KIT in February 2024 as a W3 Professor for Systemic Cellular Neurobiology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), She spent several year of scademic research in well known intstitutions such as the University of Cambridge (UK),  the  University Göttingen, the Broad Stem Cell Center of the University of California, and the Hertie Institute at the University of Tübingen. During this time, she developed a pioneering technique for multimodal single-cell analysis.   Her outstanding contributions were recognized with the Eva Luise Köher Research Award in 2023 and a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Grant in 2022.

Bio materialsKotz@KIT
HealthTech at Noon: A look into the future - organs from the 3D printer (March 28, InformatiKOM)

We are very happy to announce the talk

A look into the future - organs from the 3D printer

by Ute Schepers, KIT, Institute of Functional Interfaces.

We hope to see many of you in the InformatiKOM foyer (noon to 1pm) to also join the discussion and networking after the presentation. Those who cannot make it in person, can also join online.

Please spread the word and invite interested colleagues to become member of KIT HealthTech to receive future invitations directly.

Tim GutmannUni Augsburg
HealthTech at Noon: European Health Data Space (Feb 22, InformatiKOM)

We are very happy to welcome

Tim Gutmann, Faculty of Law, Augsburg University

who will present about

The European Health Data Space as a Catalyst for Innovation? – The Legal Challenges and Opportunities behind Designing Innovative Ecosystems for Health Data

We hope to see many of you in the InformatiKOM foyer (noon to 1pm) to also join the discussion and networking after the presentation. Those who cannot make it in person, can also join online.

Please spread the word and invite interested colleagues to become member of KIT HealthTech to receive future invitations directly.

HealthTech BannerU.Schepers@KIT
KIT HealthTech at City Hall

KITHealthTech presents at Karlsruhe City Hall

"KIT im Rathaus" WS23/24

Monday, January 29, 2024, 6.30 p.m.


Business Clubra2/shutterstock
Business Club, December 08,2023 : Healthy into the future – medical technology made by KIT

To support the transformation in healthcare, the new KIT Center for Health Technologies (KITHealthTech) was recently launched at KIT. More than 150 KIT researchers from various disciplines such as medical technology, robotics, material and life sciences as well as data sciences work together in an interdisciplinary manner. Some of them presented the key aspects of their work at the current theme day of the KIT Business Club.
